A film that is meant to change the mindset that people have got on the voluptuous beauty Anushka, this is releasing today Jan 15th. Made at a whopping budget of approximately Rs 16 crores, this has been directed by the veteran Kodi Ramakrishna and produced by D. Shyamprasad Reddy. Anushka will be seen in a dual role in this one.
Anushka will certainly be remembered for her dual's roles in this period film.
The film is said to be a revenge tale set in Gadwal Samsthan. A story of Jejamma (who is killed in 1920s) and Arundhati who is born much later tackles the same problem which Jejamma faced. Anushka plays both Jejamma and Arundhati.
The highlight of the film is the drum dance.
Kodi Ramakrishna helms this film produced by Shyam Prasad Reddy. The producer has spared no effort to get the period look right as well as the special effects.
Sonu Sood has a significant role to play, while Deepak (known as Arjan Bajwa in Hindi films) is said to play Arundhati's husband. Sayaji Shinde also forms part of the cast.
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